The Power of One™.

Legal Hold

When litigation looms, organizations must preserve relevant documents – often known as a legal hold.

Legal Hold

Most organizations face significant challenges when scoping their litigation readiness for specific legal matters. These challenges are often encountered when there is a need for legal holds during litigation. Organizations frequently rely on emails and paper to conduct legal holds, leading to many to overusage of resources and time. With the right combination of expertise and software, organizations save costs, preserve data, respond faster, and ensure compliance to avoid financial, reputational, or legal penalties.

Navigating the complex legal processes while ensuring the proper preservation of critical data will ultimately support an organization’s legal and business objectives. We can show you a more straightforward, more efficient, more reliable way at Trustpoint.One.
legal hold challenges

Our Approach

Trustpoint.One utilizes a mixture of expertise from our consultants and software to address an organization’s legal hold challenges. In addition, we include proactive measures and identify other risks to data subject to litigation.

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